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Why do UCP dashboard stats differ from custom report exports?

    UCP has a built in basic notice report but does not allow the ability to export data with a monthly aggregation. All UCP Dashboard reporting is based on daily aggregation which is used to calculate the equivalent of a "daily session" which is tantamount to "unique user visits per day".
    This is useful for daily and directional statistics, and in particular, alerts us to consumption levels of resources (number of times a tag set is served per day). All multi-day queries sum the daily aggregations rather than re-aggregate them and thus the UCP Dashboard and Sitenotice use are skewed to show the sum of sessions rather than a multi-day aggregation such as weekly or monthly.
    Most analytics systems use a monthly data as a common aggregation set. Most statistics orient around the concept of monthly visitors. Thus we have developed a monthly detailed report that can be scheduled to be delivered which lets customers view, slice-and-dice, and/or import into other data viewing applications (like Tableau or PowerBI, for instance). The format is a basic CSV which contains monthly aggregated unique user visits with a significant amount of detail.
    Scheduling occurs in the GCR (General Custom[er] Reporting) application. An OCD ticket is currently required to setup a delivery for this report.
    This column list explains the columns in this report and the basic math and logic behind the statistical values.
    "Comp Id" – Company/Customer Id in the Evidon from Crownpeak system. This is the same Id that is put in the global UCP and DG script tags.
    "Comp" – Company name in the Evidon from Crownpeak system. This may not always perfectly match the Contract or Salesforce name.
    "Notice Id" – The notice id value that corresponds to the notice record in the Privacy database.
    "URL | Host" – The URL, website or host the notice was observed to be served on - this typically should be the same as the one in the Privacy database but exceptions and wildcard subdomains can vary in value.
    "Days w/ Data | Days In Report" – The number of days data was observed during this month/time period.
    "First Dt" – The first date data was observed during this month/time period.
    "Last Dt" – The last date data was observed during this month/time period.
    "Country CC Exp Served/Akamai" – The notice serves an experience based on initial geolocation detection. This is based on the location that was presented to Akamai geolocation. This determines the geo-based experience a visitor receives (GDPR, CCPA, other) based on this value. If a country is not setup by the customer to be supported for this notice as determined by the Akamai geolocation, the UCP notice displays the default country setting. The geolocation value can be affected by proxies or providing custom header values such as x-forward-for.
    "Country CC Obs / Maxmind" – The country that is determined by the IP value presented server-side. This value can be affected by proxies or VPNs, but typically is harder to alter.
    "Country ID Maxmind" – The MaxMid Id used for Country, for reference only.
    "Country" – The full country name as populated by MaxMind. Occasionally there are variations for some countries over time (rare).
    "RegionId" – The Region Id provided by MaxMind. This number correlates to a state (for the US), province, territory or regional area in a country. For reference only.
    "Region-State" – The region, territory, state, or province full name. Occasionally there are variations for some regions over time (rare).
    "Impressions" – The number of times the script was loaded and threw an impression "ping".
    "Imps per User" – The number of impressions divided by the number of unique users; this gives a rough impression of the typical number of pages an average user visited during the time period.
    "Unique Users" – The number of unique users observed during the time period
    "Consent Req UU" – The number of users for this aggregate record that were presented with an experience that required consent.
    "Decline Action UU" – The number of users who have taken action resulting in a decline record. Partial opt-out does int create a decline action - only "Decline All" or "Do Not Sell".
    "Withdraw Action UU" – The numbers of users who have taken a "Withdraw Consent" action. This action is recorded when a users has already given consent (previous or opt-out) and then enters the options dialogue and withdraws consent.
    "Net Prev Consent UU" – Previously consented users who were not found to have a new consent action (so subtract this from Prev consent, add this to new consent to get overall consent )
    "Net New Consent UU" – The number of users who did not have a previous consent marker and generated a consent action during this time period. This is recorded on a daily basis and stored historically.
    "Prev Consent UU" -- The number of users who gave cosent in some previous time period.
    "Consent Action UU" -- The number of users who generated a consent action during the time period.
    "Overall Consent UU" -- This is the combined value of Previous and New Consent users. { – A - inner join + B where innner join of venn diagram is in both A and B (and double counted)}
    "% Decline Action" – Simple division of Decline User Count divided by Unique Users
    "% Withdraw Action" – Simple division of Withdraw Action User Count divided by Unique Users
    "% Net Prev Consent" – Simple division of Net Previous Consent User Count divided by Unique Users - The higher this number is relative to New New Consent indicates return visitors.
    "% Net New Consent" – Simple division of Net New Consent User Count divided by Unique Users - The higer this number is relative to New Previous Consent indicates new visitors (and fewer return visitors).
    "% Prev Consent" – Simple division of Previous Consent User Count divided by Unique Users
    "% Consent Action" – Simple division of All Consent Action User Count divided by Unique Users
    "% Overall Consent" – Simple division of Overall Consented Users Count divided by Unique User'


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