When making changes to themes on existing UCP notices, we suggest this method to help test any changes that could affect or possibly break all notices currently attached to a theme being used on live sites.
In the Templates & Assets section under Templates, you will see a preview of each existing style with a note of how many notices it is active on.
Note: Making changes to these themes will make a production change, so the changes will show up on live sites using this theme. To avoid breaking or changing production notices, the best practice is to make a copy of the style you would like to change and try applying it just to a test or stage site at firstso you can view the changes beforehand.

2. Click into the theme to be used, click on Duplicate button in the top right. Once the theme is Duplicated you will get a message that you are being taken to the duplicate theme, and the Template Name will be noted as the same name as the theme you duplicated with (copy). You can rename this theme according to your needs.

3. Make your changes in the theme. You can toggle between Desktop and Mobile experiences and customize the experience for each. Once all changes are made, click Save on the top right of the screen.
4. Go to Manage under Universal Consent, and apply your new theme to a site to see the changes live. Do this on Step 2. Style - Find your new theme in the drop down box.

5. Click through each step until you can Save the notice. Changes take place within minutes. When you are happy with the changes, you can make the changes to the original theme that your notices are using live.