Crownpeak (Retired)

How to test your privacy notices in specific regions or countries

One of the foundations of UCP is the ability to create experiences that are unique for each country or state. Because of this, one of the most common questions is how to test privacy notices as if you’re located in a particular country. (E.g., How will my notice look and function in the U.S. vs the EU, or in the UK vs France?)

We recommend the following ways of testing:

Using a VPN

UCP recognizes which country/state a visitor is coming from. To work around this, you can “spoof” your location. This can be accomplished using a VPN. Tunnel Bear is one example of a VPN and has a free version that allows you to choose a country to spoof allowing you to see the experience as a visitor in that country would. Keep in mind that not every country is available as an option from the Tunnel Bear VPN.

There are a few good VPN options available on the market that will work. We are using Tunnel Bear as an example because several of our team members use it, but we don't advocate for one option over another. 

Using an extension

Another option is to use a browser extension to change your location file. We recommend using ModHeader, which can be downloaded from the extension store on Chrome.

Once you’ve downloaded the extension, import the JSON location file attached at the bottom of this page. From here, you can turn on a specific country and test the notices on your page to view the experience as a visitor in that country would. Learn more about how to import and use ModHeader.

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