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When I try accessing a site from packages a username and password is requested
Where I can found this information? My username and password don't work.
Most non-live sites are protected with 401 auth. You will need to reach out to the administrator of the site to get credentials to access the site. They will have the credentials you need.
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## Have thoughts on Crownpeak products? We'd love to hear them. Speak with the Crownpeak Product Team..
Hi @jofre
Thanks for your message. Would you mind providing a bit more information about your question?
Are you looking for a username and password to access the CMS or to access one of your websites?
## If I’ve helped, accept this response as a solution so that other’s can find is more quickly in the future.
## Have thoughts on Crownpeak products? We'd love to hear them. Speak with the Crownpeak Product Team..
Thanks for reply @AriWeissman
I'm logged in on CMS but I cannot log in on a specific website
Thanks again
Most non-live sites are protected with 401 auth. You will need to reach out to the administrator of the site to get credentials to access the site. They will have the credentials you need.
## If I’ve helped, accept this response as a solution so that other’s can find is more quickly in the future.
## Have thoughts on Crownpeak products? We'd love to hear them. Speak with the Crownpeak Product Team..
thanks a lot @kensnyder I will ask him for it