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Our current CMS is Apostrophe and we have been exploring means to perform content migration from our current to Crownpeak. At the core of this exercise, our patterns of widgets, templates and themes have been redesigned and already integrated into Crownpeak.
For now we are exploring two options:
1. Perform matchmaking of old vs new components and accordingly extract data in json and port it to Crownpeak
2. Move all the pages from our current CMS as static templates into Crownpeak
Can anyone point me in the right direction to execute this migration exercise successfully?
Hi @Stanley
Great question.
I've reached out to our internal experts and we should have a response for you by the end of the day tomorrow. I appreciate your patience.
## If I’ve helped, accept this response as a solution so that other’s can find is more quickly in the future.
## Have thoughts on Crownpeak products? We'd love to hear them. Speak with the Crownpeak Product Team..
The approach to take depends on the requirements for each specific implementation. In a typical implementation, we develop scripts that would deploy content to the components based on a mapping of the old to the new (option #1 of those you have mentioned). This provides content authors the ability to use the content input interface in DXM
Is there a possibility to move the entire content as individual static assets (allowing to edit content but no layout changes) into Crownpeak?
In order to limit changes to only content, we recommend creating purpose built templates for the different content types. You can find more information about the DXM implementation process here