Crownpeak Employee
Crownpeak Employee

Latest Changes to Site Notice Styles - 2024

Style Updates 

UCP no longer supports aligning the "I Understand" button styling changes to the Decline button. The style mappings for the "Accept/I Understand" and "Decline/Opt-Out All" buttons have been updated under the Banner tab for both Opt-In and Opt-Out regulations in the Privacy Application. These changes can be found under Template & Assets > Styles section. [Refer to the screenshot below.]

Updated Button Styles

Accept Button Styles:

  • Opt-In Regulation:
    The "Accept/Accept All" button now follows the updated Accept button styles.
  • Opt-Out Regulation:
    The "I Understand" button now adheres to the updated Accept button styles.

Decline Button Styles:

  • Opt-In Regulation:
    The "Decline/Decline All" button now follows the updated Decline button styles.
  • Opt-Out Regulation:
    The "Opt-Out All/Reject All" button now adheres to the updated Decline button styles.

Button Style Mapping



Html Button Id

Css Class Name

Accept Button Style

Opt-In Regulation:

'Accept/Accept All'

Opt-Out Regulation: 
'I Understand'



Decline Button Style

Opt-In Regulation:

'Decline/Decline All'

Opt-Out Regulation: 
'Opt-Out All/Reject All'




Configuration Steps

  1. Under the Templates & Assets section, select Styles.
  2. Click on the Banner tab to modify the "Accept/I Understand" and "Decline/Opt-Out All” button styles.
  3. Click Save
button styles.jpg

Note: For style themes created prior to this release, a confirmation dialog will appear.

  1. Confirm your changes when prompted by the confirmation dialog.


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