Customers are able to create new translation groups for their UCP notices in the Privacy UI. This is important if verbiage on the site notice needs to change from domain to domain.
Use case: An umbrella company has an account with Privacy, and for each of their individual companies, they need that company name to be part of their banner message, with a link to the company's specific privacy policy.
1. Login to Privacy
2. Click on 'Templates & Assets'
3. Click on 'Translations'
4. Click on Blue 'Edit Group' link on the right side of the Default or preferred translation group you want to copy
5. Select 'Copy Translation Group'

6. Your new translation group will show as the last translation group on the list with the same name as the translation group that you copied with a number appending it.
ie. I copied 'Default Translations,' so my new translation group copy shows at the bottom as 'Default Translations 20181019' - this number at the end will change each time Default is copied
7. Rename the translation group using the blue Edit Group link
8. Make changes to the languages in the file by clicking on the language and going through the fields where text can be changed.
See the steps to edit Bulk translations using Import/Export