Since search collections were restored to November 14th, some content updates may be missing from your search collection. This can be populated by republishing content to the website, which will also push updates to Search G2. Here are some quick guidelines:
- Where possible, only publish updates that you need. The temptation would be to republish the entire site, but obviously that can take time to process. Further as multiple clients look to update their content, we want to try and minimize overall publishing so that all critical updates can be updated. There are a few ways to identify content to republish
- Reports, Audit, Publish – Under date filter from Nov 14th through today. This report can then be exported to CSV by using the Export to CSV link in the top right corner. This will include duplicates so you will need to use something like excel to group by asset id.
- Reports, Publishing, Last Published – This report is a little more streamlined and can be used for a smaller list. Under date filter from Nov 14th through today. Then click on Export to CSV link in the top right corner.
- When republishing large selections or full sites, use Publishing Refresh and focus on LIVE content first. To do this highlight the parent folder, right click and select Publishing Refresh, then select the package i.e. “Live Site” which will only publish LIVE to start. This will allow updates to quickly update to live without republishing lower states.
- For larger sites or collections, it is best to do this during non-peak hours to ensure the updates that are needed are not waiting behind a larger collection of publishing.