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URL Rewrite in FirstSpirit?

Good morning everyone. Sorry for writingin english but I am Italian and I don't speak german.
I am wondering if anyone is doing strong SEO with FirstSpirit by rewriting URLs. I am concerned about the way that the CMS createes URLs. It would be nice to change them according to keyword strategy. Anybody doing that?

IS it possible to do it in the CMS or is there a workaround?
Thanks in advance for kind replies...

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4 Replies
Crownpeak employee

Ciao Paolo,

we appreciate every english question in our community!

Right now you have only limited options to change the URLs created by the CMS. You can only change the filename of the files that will be created. But with FirstSpirit 5 you will be able to let the CMS create the URLs the way you like.

Tanti saluti,


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If that's not enough for your scenario, you can use the UrlCreator-Hotspot to manipulate the URL. You'll find more information about this topic if you search for that term within the community. Unfortunately, most topics are in german. Additional information can be found in the module developer documentation, which is not available in english at the moment.

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I tried to follow the above mentioned links but couldn't for there's an additional autorization.

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Please see Documentation FirstSpirit™ 4.2 to get the login credentials.

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