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Hey community,
is there any easy way to change a CMS_INPUT_TEXTAREA component to a CMS_INPUT_DOM?
Of course we want to keep the data!
First I thougth text is text, but changing from
<CMS_INPUT_TEXTAREA name="st_text" allowEmpty="yes" convertEntities="standard" hFill="yes" useLanguages="yes">
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Text"/>
<CMS_INPUT_DOM name="st_text" allowEmpty="yes" hFill="yes" rows="10" useLanguages="yes">
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Text" description="Text"/>
induced a data loss :smileycry:
Is the only way a migration script?
Thanks a lot for your hints,
Yes, you need to write a migration script to accomplish that.
Yes, you need to write a migration script to accomplish that.
Thanks Christoph for your quick answer!
Are there any best practices for such demands?
The component should not change the name, so I would do something like this:
Are there any easier ways?
I guess it will be costly because I have to replace the textareas in pagetemplates, sectiontemplates and tabletemplates in the same way...
Thanks a lot and best regards,
I don't know an easier way, sorry.