New FirstSpirit Download Portal

Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee
3 0 1,497


there is a new Crownpeak Download Portal which replaces the well-known FTP server from which you usually downloaded your software and uploaded files for e.g., reproductions and project transfer. 

How do I get a Download Portal account?
To do this, please create a ticket with Customer Support at:

The portal can be found under, where you will be asked to log in with the username and password of your shared company account.
This will take you to the virtual desktop of our download portal. Here you can find the "File Station" folder, which contains two other folders.
As usual, there is the Customer Download folder for downloading general software, such as the latest versions of FirstSpirit and modules released for you.
If you need modules that are not visible here, feel free to create a support ticket.
Technical Support will then take care of your request and, if necessary, release the right modules for you.

In addition to this folder, there is also a customer-specific folder for you, which contains all data that is only available for your organization.
There, for example, data from Technical Support can be stored for you.

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