Repository of the server- and project- configurations

Hi all,

we detected: the feature 'transactionhistory and revisionsecurity' (of objects within the access.stores.*) does not work for server- & projectconfigurations.

With personalized accounts, you are only able to figure out, who made changes with complicated 'backup' files and DEBUG logs (which is disabled in productive environments by recommendation).

If you do not have a DEBUG loglevel, you have no chance to figure out who changed what.

This may hit and violate compliance & security policies, especially in combination to the 'Admin'- user...

This feature request targets to solve that issue, to make all changes visibile and history-safe in a 'real persistent repository' for ALL configurations, also to the server and its projects



1 Comment
Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee

Hi Maik,

this Feature Request was delivered in FirstSpirit 2018-08:

To ensure that FirstSpirit Servers operate securely and without any problems, audit functions have been added to the logging feature, enabling suspicious activities to be traced and assigned in order to prevent permissions being misused. Audit logging is disabled by default, but can be enabled as required with

little effort. The following activities can be tracked:

  • Creating / deleting projects
  • Creating / deleting users
  • Creating / deleting groups
  • Adding users to / removing users from a project
  • Installing / refreshing / deleting modules
  • in process 5
  • Creating / refreshing / deleting schedules (globally and for a specific project)
  • Creating / refreshing / deleting action templates (globally and for a specific project)
  • All project amendments via the ServerManager apart from adding a font and changing the repository version

Best regards
