Dear Customers,
starting with FirstSpirit 5.2 e-Spirit will offer the possibility to execute navigation changes in FirstSpirit ContentCreator. Use cases of these changes might be:
- page moves from one navigation node to the other (source and target navigation node are affected and changed)
- navigation moves from one navigation node to the other (source and target navigation node are affected and changed)
- renaming existing navigation nodes
To be able to react on these changes, e.g. by executing a:
- workflow to release these changes
the new Element Status Provider (ESP) framework has been integrated into FirstSpirit ContentCreator.
Currently, with a FirstSpirit installation FirstSpirit offers two system/core ESPs:
- site-store-based
- page-base-based
This will also be the case starting with FS 5.2. Both do not have the feature to detect navigation changes. To bring this feature to FirstSpirit core and integrate this ability in the core FirstSpirit product, this feature request stands for. Alternatives are to implement your own custom ESP having the need to create your own adapted ContentCreator web application content "/fs5webedit_<project_id>".
To prevent these efforts, please vote for it.