Dear FirstSpirit community,
we just read about the current existing solution when trying to integrate FirstSpirit with LDAP. Details might be found within the current FirstSpirit Admin documentation.
There, it seems to be evident, that all externally administrated LDAP users will be added physically to FirstSpirit. This happens the first time, the user logs in.
Consequence: the user, does not stay external within LDAP - no, it will be imported to FirstSpirit
With all sideeffects this behaviour offers, like:
- users cannot be administrated centrally in LDAP 
- groups have to be created physically in FirstSpirit marked as "external" (their name has to match the name in LDAP) 
- changed attribute values will not be replicated to FirstSpirit (only at 1st login time) 
Even the dialog boxes for:
- administrating users (creation, modification, deletion)
- administrating groups (creation, modification, deletion)
- the editing rights (JavaClient -> Extras -> Rights)
do not allow a direct LDAP read-browsing - no, they just maintain local FirstSpirit user/group objects. This should be changed, to allow a central storage and to prevent duplication.
So, the current FirstSpirit LDAP solution guarantees just LDAP authentication but no LDAP authorization.
When comparing with other LDAP solutions like "mod_auth_ldap" in Apache or "pam_ldap" in Linux, users never will be created physically on the corresponding system environment - due to the above mentioned side-effects.
Our requirement:
- allow assigning FirstSpirit projects one or more configured LDAP connection configuration
- offer a solution where FirstSpirit users/groups are really maintained centrally
- prevent storing users/groups offered via LDAP in FirstSpirit directly
- enhance the user/group administration dialog boxes within FirstSpirit to allow browsing and mainting the central LDAP
- enhance the FirstSpirit rights dialog in JavaClient to allow browsing the LDAP target system and assigning (FirstSpirit) users/groups out of LDAP