FirstSpirit should handle DB-schema changes when importing a FirstSpirit project export

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Dear FirstSpirit product management,

currently we observe problems when importing a FirstSpirit project owning a relational DB-schema whose data structure has been modified. For instance, when:

  • nullable fields have been switched to non-nullable columns
  • etc.

and relational database content based before the structural change is part of the export result (here: contains "nullable" values), the import will fail. Up to now, it is manually necessary to modify:

  • text files, here: database schema configuration settings and remove the "non-nullable" columns


  • correct the already existing relational data content

To prevent doing these steps for each FirstSpirit project export, a feature request to fix that behaviour is urgently necessary.

1 Comment
Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee

Hello Holger

thank you for your idea to improve FirstSpirit. It is important for us to learn from the experiences of our customers and partners. For this reason we appreciate feedback and any suggestion.

We have evaluated the issue once again, but have no plans for a realisation in the near future. Therefore, we cannot consider your feature request at this time.

If FirstSpirit determines during the export that a nullable field points to a not_nullable column or vice versa, a warning is output.

You can find more details about our feature selection process in our Features Policy.

Best regards
