FirstSpirit and bi-directional data exchanges with peripheral systems

Dear FirstSpirit Community,

the standard FirstSpirit exchange possibilities with 3rd party/peripheral systems are really rare. So, we miss SFTP, for example. The below screenshot shows the offered flavours:


Additionally, it seems to be, that the options given here are just unidirectional! A use case, where bi-directional communication is mandatory:

  • exchange with 3rd party service partners for translations
  • etc.

In summary it might really help, if FirstSpirit would offer an FirstSpirit-integrated solution here.

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Crownpeak Employee
Crownpeak Employee

Are there any known problems or disadvantages with external file copy tools like rsync?

I'm new here


rsync just works only in one direction. Either you sync A with B or vice versa. Additionally, rsync has to be part of the service customers data exchange portfolio.

Besides, (S)FTP respectively SCP or HTTP(S) combined with WebDAV are the right protocols to use for typical bi-directional data exchange.

Community Manager
Community Manager

How would a new standard deployment option help in a bidirectional scenario? A deployment is unidirectional process. You can't use a deployment mechanism to import (sync back) information into FirstSpirit.

I'm new here

> exchange with 3rd party service partners for translations

... i do not understand the use case you want a 3rd party service partner transfer data back to your system? ..and how does a really rare deployment data-stream interact with a 3rd party translation partner?

may be a way to do bi-directional data transfer could be a custum service modul implementation doing those special functionality

Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee

Hello Holger,

for bi-directional data exchange meanwhile there are some modules and services. For examble the CaaS.

Best regards
