ContentCreator: Limit language selection

As a ContentCreator user the language channel selection feature should match to the editor language feature in SiteArchitect, to hide added project languages which are not used for generation of content. At the moment all project languages are displayed. The ContentCreator language selection feature should match the active editor language settings like seen in the sceenshots.

2019-12-05 11_36_56-Konfiguration der Redaktionssprachen.pngCEPCOM Master Content - FirstSpirit ContentCreator 5 - Languages.png

Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee

Hi Andre,

I think this is a misunderstanding about what „Editorial languages“ mean. In FirstSpirit, they just define in what languages the elements in FirstSpirit can be named/labeled and have nothing to do with generation.

The idea is to define a subset of output languages so that all editors can understand the elements‘ names. Those languages appear in the „rename“ dialogs of elements.



Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee

Hi Andre,

your request was delivered with the FirstSpirit Version 2021-05.

For more details see chapter 2.2 at the releasenotes.

Best regards
