Dear community,
FirstSpirit offers its own log4j-specific FirstSpirit appender named "de.espirit.firstspirit.server.logging.FSAppender". Details for its configuration possibilities see "FirstSpirit Manual for Administrators", chapter "Logging configuration".
A default example configuration is offered with the installation of FirstSpirit. It can be found below "fs-logging.conf".
# dated logging is used by web montior for log file display
The problem: when using and relying on an external and professional log rotate framework like "logrotate" that does allow rotating not only Java-specific logs, it might be very helpful when it could be possible to completely deactivate the log4j specific logrotation within this custom appender.
Up to now, this is not possible!
This feature request votes for an introduction of an additional attribute to allow that explicitly! Additionally, it has to be ensured, that the search functionality within the FirstSpirit server monitoring would continue working (detail see "FirstSpirit Manual for Administrators") - even when relying on an external logrotate framework. Either by specify which suffixes have to be used (numerical or timestamp based).