Installation Guide for Visual Studio CDC Extension
You would use the Visual Studio Extension if:
- You are a template developer
- You are a .net developer, accustomed to the Visual Studio tool set
- You would like Intellisense for guidance
- You prefer to access to templates files in the Visual studio UI
Installation Requirements
Visual Studio 2015 is required. If you are not using the Visual Studio 2015, there is an add-in available for Visual Studio 2010-2013. There is another installation video available for that.
1. On the menu bar, choose Tools > Extensions and Updates
2. On the left panel, choose Online > Visual Studio Gallery
3. Enter "crownpeak" in the search box in the upper right hand corner and click the Download button in the results
4. Once installation is completed, restart to see the CDC Tool bar
Log into the CMS instance
Next, configure CDC to log into the instance where you plan to create templates.
Here are the steps to configure Instance Access:
1. Click the cog to open the CDC menu. The tool bar to open up your configuration screen.
2. Enter the following:
- First, there’s the CMS address. You can copy and paste that from the browser, where you’ve logged in to V3.
- Next, there are your credentials. Select the Federated Authentication, the checkbox or enter your Username and Password: These are the same credentials you use to login to V3.
- Finally, set the default CMS Path to /, so you log into the root and will see all projects and sites as well as the System folder when you login.
3. Then Save. The CDC will reconnect to the server.
4. Select the folder icon, to open the CDC file explorer. This connects you to the root folder of the instance you have configured.
Now let’s test Intellisense.
1. If it's not already open, open the Solution Explorer at View > Solution Explorer.
2. In the CDC explorer, select the root folder and right click.
3. Select New > Project. Give it a name you will remember, like something that includes your name or initials. If you don't have the option to create a new project contact support to confirm your access credentials, and the availability of the projects feature in your instance. You can also give the library name, we’ll talk about that in the video about the Projects and Sites feature.
4. Open your project and right click the Templates folder.
5. Select New Template C#. This will be your test template. Give this a name you will remember as well.
6. Select the input.aspx template file from your template in the CDC explorer.
7. In the file, type "Input".You should see the Intellisense dropdown and the methods from the Input class.
If you don’t, use the Solution Explorer to rebuild. In this window, you will see a Visual Studio solution and project. The secret is the files you see in there are copies of the template files you access in the CDC . These copies enable Intellisense. When VS is closed, the Crownpeak files are deleted.
If you run into problems, select Solution and Build.
Try again. If that doesn't work, try Clean Solution, then Rebuild Solution.
If that fails, restart Visual Studio.
If you have additional issues, contact support.
8. Finish typing our input message Input.ShowMessage("Hello World in Input").
You should see IntelliSense messages along the way.
Once you have finished, save your changes. If there are any syntax errors, you will see a message.
SUCCESS! We’ve confirmed, Intellisense and template editing is working as expected. Next, check out the videos on template development.
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