Crownpeak Employee
Crownpeak Employee

Crownpeak Digital Experience Management (DXM) Content Xcelerator℠

At Crownpeak, we have always needed to perform maintenance operations on a customers' content - this is all part of the service. Historically, this was manual talk - brittle and troublesome, but acceptable with caution.

Around a year ago, we re-constructed our demonstration experience, to give birth to Surety, a fictional Insurance Company. The Surety website allows us to showcase much of the Crownpeak capabilities, across all products, in a single location. However, what caused us a bit of a headache was how to deploy multiple versions of Surety across customer, prospect, Sandbox, Engineering, Support & Customer Success DXM Instances - and then do it all again when a new version of Surety was released (every one-to-two-months).

The answer - to build an export and import tool. Crownpeak already had all of the plumbing that we needed, with RESTful APIs to perform CRUD operations against content - we just needed to bring it all together.

Welcome, Crownpeak Digital Experience Management (DXM) Content Xcelerator℠ - a tool designed to export and re-import content out of and back into DXM CMS Instances.

Content Xcelerator℠ is built as a Microsoft Windows Forms Application, in a wizard-style, to guide a DXM Administrator through the process of exporting Assets, Templates, Library Files, Personalization, Publishing Packages & Properties and Workflows into an intermediary XML format (the "manifest"). Content Xcelerator℠ can then be used to re-deploy the same manifest into a different path within the same or separate DXM Instance - allowing the rapid-provisioning of cloned content within DXM.

content-xcelerator-import-assetsContent Xcelerator℠ has been built to operate across all content within DXM, thereby making it generic to all use-cases - not only the movement of Surety. We even provide manifests for other reference architectures - see our GitHub integration page for eCommerce provider, commercetools.

commercetools Integration Repo for Crownpeak DXM.commercetools Integration Repo for Crownpeak DXM.

We want you to be able to take advantage of Content Xcelerator℠ within your business - whether using it to rapidly deploy content to kick-start a project, or to assist with content migration from another platform. Therefore, we have made the source code available to everyone under the MIT License. See the GitHub repository at and feel free to experiment.

Content Xcelerator℠ RepoContent Xcelerator℠ Repo

Of course, we welcome your feedback on how we can make this better to assist our customers and partners in decreasing time-to-value. Even better still, perhaps you could extend Content Xcelerator℠ yourself, for your own business needs - as the repository is public, fork and start extending!

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