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This document provides best practice guidance, recommendations, and do’s and don’ts in regards to component and template configurations in DXM. Use this document to answer questions on approach and strategy and to explore the various options available to you when configuring an authoring experience in DXM.
For how-to information, instructions, and code samples, please refer to the Crownpeak Community and
Templates provide a blueprint for how content in Crownpeak is captured, or entered by practitioners, and how it is rendered, or used to generate the desired digital experience in Crownpeak. DXM templates can be defined using different approaches and strategies based on business, content, and experience requirements. Some experiences lend themselves to structured templates, while others may work better with a drag and drop, dynamic, or an open-ended configuration. Often, a hybrid approach leveraging two or more combinations of these options may work best.
Structured templates are DXM’s standard template configuration that provide content authors with the necessary input experience to capture content in an organized and structured manner. This ensures consistency, uniformity, and adherence to business standards and rules. A well-structured template effectively guides the content author through a set of input fields and form controls with limited to no styling options. The styling and look and feel of the experience are managed by the underlying output template. Structured templates are the ultimate purpose-built template.
Examples: Press Releases, Blog Posts, Product Pages, Section Pages, etc.
Dynamic templates allow content authors leverage DXM’s Input Form Selector control, which allows content authors to manage page content via a drop down with defined options. The result is giving the content author the ability to choose what content to display in the output experience. The Input Form Selector doesn’t require a Save after selection and will automatically repaint the form. Dynamic Templates offer flexibility, while still allowing for structured content to be captured and rendered accordingly. Please note that adding too many options to the Input Form Selector can result in added complexity, confusion, and make content maintenance more challenging. Use Dynamic templates for similar experiences that can tolerate flexibility.
Dynamic templates can also be created using the DXM Dropdown Container control; however, this control is highly inefficient compared to the Input Form Selector, and we recommend against its use. It creates empty fields for every field defined inn every option, whether used or not, causing latency issues.
Examples: Articles and Blog Posts. News and Press Releases. Product Pages with various presentation styles.
Drag and Drop templates offer the most flexibility using content components. By using Basic components (text, wysiwyg, image, code, etc), Drag and Drop templates are completely open-ended and allow for any content to be created by authors. Governance can be applied through the use of approved content components found under the Advanced tab in the Blocks panel. This applies a layer of governance ensuring only approved experience components are used. Additional governance can be applied by associating components to specific Drag and Drop Zones defined within the template. Drag and Drop templates are suited for marketing content that requires flexibility but within an approved experience. Drag and Drop templates are not well suited for purpose-built templates, since the burden is on the content author to ensure the right components are present and in the right order. In this case, purpose-built structured templates are better suited.
Examples: Landing Pages, Marketing Campaigns, Marketing Microsites
Open-ended templates are a blank slate allowing authors and editors to create one-off experiences as needed. These templates are not recommended for repeatable or consistent experiences. They can be created and defined in a number of ways, though the simplest is a template with one WYSIWYG control or one Drag and Drop Zone. These templates may or may not have a Navigation Wrapper (header/footer).
Examples: Landing Pages, Announcements, Forms
DXM Developer templates are folders in the platform containing various template files (Input, Output, Postinput, etc). These are files are created using the Developer template, which takes DXM C# code. Developer templates can be created for one-off experiences as well when files are created. These templates are not meant to be option for non-technical content authors, but they can be a suitable option for developers to create various content experiences as needed. The most common example is to generate CSS and JS files, but they can also be used to generate other content/file types as required with the understanding that they will lack an authoring experience. These are effectively hard-coded experiences, with the ability to process and execute C# code.
Examples: CSS, JS, Web Server configuration files
DXM templates can be implemented via three different pathways.
Ease of Use vs. Flexibility
To ensure the generated experience meets business expectations and standards, you should take advantage of the Post Input template option where you can intercept the Save action on an asset and prevent unacceptable content from being saved, providing authors with useful warnings and/or error messages, and guiding them to provide the right content.
Crownpeak strongly recommends that models are created with the right template, permissions, and default content if appropriate, to ensure content authors and editors are enabled to create consistent experiences with the simplest workflow.
To maximize rendering performance of your templates, DXM will save a cached version of the most recent output. You may choose to override this function to always reflect the latest version of the asset, even if the content hasn’t changed. This may be appropriate when content is consumed from other sources (other assets, external sources, etc). Please note that turning off the cache will impact rendering performance.
Components are defined to re-use digital patterns and assemble digital experiences. This is done by implementing front-end code or markup, based on patterns (typically provided by front end designers or developers) in a component definition. DXM will automatically analyze this markup and auto-generate the necessary code (in the form of library files) containing specific functions (for input form generation, post-input form validation, and output rendering) that will be invoked by DXM during content authoring, editing, rendering and publishing.
Components are well suited for digital experiences that leverage re-usable patterns, and it is best to define a component with re-use in mind. Defining a component for one-time use is not advised because it adds layers of complexity by placing the code-behind in a number of related library files without the benefits of experience re-use. Use the Code component for any code meant for one-time use.
Components can be defined with default content, which is helpful for several reasons:
Component definitions allow a thumbnail image to be added to help visualize the contents/experience when displayed in the Blocks panel. A visual thumbnail helps editors identify components from a large of list.
Components can be defined to show or be hidden from view in the Blocks panel. This is especially helpful when components are not meant to support Drag and Drop. If you want to hide components, check the hide option in the component definition under the Advanced tab.
Components can appear in the Blocks panel, in the Visual Template Builder, or in the component selector drop down. Giving components descriptive and helpful names makes finding the right component easier.
Crownpeak allows components to be organized and defined in folders and sub-folders. This helps group related components together and makes the overall management of components considerably easier. The folder structure you define also will be reflected in the Blocks panel, which will help users find and identify the components they’re looking for.
When smaller atomic patterns can be identified, it may be appropriate to define them as re-usable components that can be nested and called within larger components. This would help centralize these smaller atomic patterns and allow for re-use. However, this should be done within reason. Creating components for the sake of creating components is not recommended. Always define components based on re-usable patterns. Do not define components for one-time use, even if nested, as that adds unnecessary complexity without the expected benefits from re-use.
By ensuring your components span and respect the available space allowed to them on different screen sizes, typically within an html container (Div or Span), you will ensure your components will work in any experience. Components can have their own CSS or can reference a CSS expected to be delivered in a page header or Nav Wrapper.
Ensure your components contain or reference all the necessary CSS and JS and do not expect the CSS/JS to be added first in another component, as this will likely result in confusion and frustration by authors trying to use these components within their experiences. If a component relies on code found either in other components or templates, it is best to illustrate the requirements in the component’s Form View.
Components should look “right” when added to a page. This is where adding default content can be critical to the overall presentation of the component, even if the default content is Lorem Ipsum.
DXM components were created with extensibility in mind by allowing you to take advantage of DXM API function calls directly within the component’s input, output and post-input methods. This is especially useful when the basic component definition controls aren’t enough to capture the desired experience and authoring capabilities. Ensure you’re editing the correct library files, which can be found under the Advanced Tab in the component definition.
The idea of dragging and dropping components may sound appealing; however, there are cases where it may be more appropriate to define structured authoring experiences without support for Drag and Drop.
One time use code can be added to a Drag and Drop experience using the Code component.
A re-usable experience can be created with Drag and Drop, and then defined as a model by copying and pasting the asset to the Models project folder. The model can then be used as a template for future assets, where content and selected components can be modified and managed as needed. Any changes made to a new asset from a model will only be reflected in the new asset, and not the original model. Also note that changing the original model, unlike changing a template, won’t impact any assets previously created from that model.
With the exception of Marketing focused landing pages using new or different experiences, most pages on a site will share a common header and footer. We recommend using a Nav Wrapper (or Navigation Wrapper) to automatically add this consistency to all templates, including Drag and Drop templates.
DXM allows for more than one Drag and Drop area within your experiences. This is accomplished by defining additional Drag and Drop zones. Each zone can be positioned differently and be granted different behaviors and experiences via CSS as needed. Additionally, governance can be applied to limit/manage the related or allowed components for each zone. This would ensure that header components are not added to the footer, and vice versa.
Drag and Drop zones represent areas within your digital experience that support the dragging and dropping of components. Giving them meaningful names helps future content authors understand each zone’s purpose and the components that are appropriate for each areas. You can also use the names as a way to tag your components to ensure a framework of governance is defined accordingly.
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