Build 12587, May 15st, 2020
In this release, we are pleased to announce a significant upgrade to our infrastructure to improve performance and resolve out of memory exception issues.
We are also excited to follow up on our React SDK release with a Vue.js SDK to provide another option for building and launching Single Page Applications with Crownpeak DXM.
Infrastructure Upgrade
Customers with large assets and frequent publishing activity sometimes encountered out of memory errors. This was one of the top reported issues impacting the performance of DXM. Our infrastructure upgrade covers several different areas including Publishing, Job, Image, and FTP services to increase performance, add robustness, and eliminate out of memory exceptions.
DXM Software Development Kit (SDK) for Vue.js
A few weeks ago, we announced the availability of our React SDK, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive, so we didn’t want to stop there. With this release, we are excited to announce the immediate availability of an SDK focused on Vue.js, another popular JavaScript framework for building and constructing powerful Single Page Applications.
- Runtime libraries to handle communication with either Dynamic (DXM Dynamic Content API) or Static (On-disk JSON payload) Data Sources
As a development team runs their build process, the underlying Vue.js Application will be minified and likely packed into a set of browser-compatible libraries (e.g., ES5). We expect any DXM NPM Packages also to be compressed in this manner. To facilitate communication between the Vue.js Application and content managed within DXM, a runtime NPM Package is provided. The purpose of this package is:
- To read application configuration detail from a global environment file (e.g., Dynamic Content API endpoint and credentials, static content disk location, etc.);
- Making data models available to the Vue.js Application, which a developer can map against
Dynamic Data - Asynchronously processing data from the DXM Dynamic Content API, using the Search G2 Raw JSON endpoint; and
Static Data - Loading JSON payload data directly from local storage.
- DXM Content-Type Scaffolding
Developers will continue to work with their Continuous Integration / Delivery and source control tooling to create a Vue.js application. However, the purpose of the DXM Content-Type Scaffolding build step is to convert the Vue.js Components in a single direction (Vue.js > DXM) into the necessary configuration to support CMS operations. At present, the DXM Component Library includes the capability to auto-generate Templates (input.aspx, output.aspx, post_input.aspx) based upon a moustache-style syntax (decorating of editable properties). We have not re-designed this process, as it is fully supported within DXM and customer-battle-tested. Therefore, in order to create a Template configuration, the build step:
- Converts Vue.js Components into Crownpeak Components by using the existing Component Builder Process via the CMS Access API (DXM's RESTful Content Manipulation API), and then existing "post_save" process;
- Creates Templates for each Vue.js Page (One of the DXM Vue.js Component Types) by using the existing Template Builder Process, again via the CMS Access API and existing "post_save" process;
- Creates a new Model for the Vue.js Page Content-Type, via the CMS Access API, so that authors can create multiple versions of a structured Page or Component, without needing to run an entire development/test cycle.
Use the following link to learn more and to take advantage of the new SDK: DXM VueJS SDK
DXM Improvements
- Resolved the issue where the Upload.aspx was not running in V3 (OCD- 18808)
- Updated the Publishing library to support Rebex SFTP (OCD- 18997)