Crownpeak (Retired)

DG Release 12 May 2020

Universal Consent Platform (UCP) Update

Today’s update to UCP includes changes to the privacy UI and the options dialogue.

UCP Privacy UI Updates

Ensuring the user experience is consistent across UCP helps make it easier to use for our customers, so we spent some time cleaning up UI features within the tool.

We have added a new modal to individual notice creation and notice templates.   This modal will pop up the first time you try to make a change that affects all countries and warns you that all regions and countries will be impacted. It will not be shown if you try to make a second change affecting all counties. The warning gives you two options: 

  1. Cancel - This will revert changes and close the modal.
  2. Continue - This will accept the changes and close the modal.

We have also updated the Review Screen within Notice Templates to make it simpler, easier to read, and easier to manage.  Instead of showing all countries affected, we now show the first three countries alphabetically, with a hover option that allows you to see the rest.


Finally, we have made some changes to make CSS consistent across the Privacy UI.  This includes colors, fonts, text, size, and borders. 

UCP Privacy Options Dialogue

To increase the effectiveness of the tool globally and create consistent experiences we updated the default translation files.  These files have grown in recent months and the languages have now been updated in the UI to support all new and existing fields in the subset of translations we provide.

Bug Fix

We fixed a bug in our consent optimization tool where the tool was not stopping the tests in some instances.

For more information on the platform, check out our UCP user guide.

A special shout-out goes out to the entire DG Engineering Team.  These fixes help improve our customers’ experience with each release.

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