Crownpeak Employee
Crownpeak Employee

Symmetry Between Opt-In and Opt-Out Regulations


In the realm of data privacy, two primary consent models are used: Opt-In and Opt-Out. These models govern how individuals provide or withdraw their consent for the collection, use, or sharing of their personal information.

What Does "Opt-In" Consent Mean?

The term "opt-in" describes a consent model where individuals actively choose to allow the collection, use, or sharing of their personal information. In other words, individuals must take affirmative action before their personal information can be used.

What Does "Opt-Out" Consent Mean?

The term "opt-out" describes a consent model where individuals can choose to take action to stop the collection, use, or sharing of their personal information.

Universal Consent Platform Updates

To maintain symmetry between Opt-In and Opt-Out regulations, significant updates have been made to the Universal Consent Platform. These updates ensure a more intuitive and consistent user interface.

Key Enhancements

  1. Introduction of a Reject Button for Opt-Out Regulations:
    A reject button has been added, allowing users to reject all non-essential cookies with a single click.
  2. Settings, Style, and Translations:
    This document outlines the updates in notice and template settings, style adjustments, and translation implementations.

Notice & Template Settings

Users can now enable the reject button to display on Opt-Out regulation banners at the notice and template level settings for each country.

New Feature: Reject/Opt-Out All Button

Opt-Out Regulations (e.g., CCPA, CPRA):

  • Users can now enable a reject/Opt-Out All button.
  • By default, this button is disabled on all Opt-Out regulation banners.

This update ensures that users have clear and consistent options across both Opt-In and Opt-Out regulations.

Configuration Steps:

  1. Navigate to the Notice & Template Settings section.
  2. Enable the reject button for Opt-Out regulation banners.
  3. Apply settings for each country as required.

Notice Settings:



Template Settings:


Style Updates

The following style mappings have been updated for the accept and decline buttons on banners for both Opt-In and Opt-Out regulations.

Accept Button Styles

  • Opt-In Regulation:
    The 'Accept/Accept All' button now follows the updated Accept button styles.
  • Opt-Out Regulation:
    The 'I Understand' button is now aligned with the updated Accept button styles.

Decline Button Styles

  • Opt-In Regulation:
    The 'Decline/Decline All' button now follows the updated Decline button styles.
  • Opt-Out Regulation:
    The 'Reject All/Opt-Out All' button is now aligned with the updated Decline button styles.

Button Style Mapping:          



HTML Button Id

CSS Class Name

Accept Button Style

Opt-In Regulation:

'Accept/Accept All'

Opt-Out Regulation: 
'I Understand'



Decline Button Style

Opt-In Regulation:

'Decline/Decline All'

Opt-Out Regulation: 
'Opt-Out All/Reject All'




Configuration Steps:

  1. Under the Templates & Assets section, choose Styles.
  2. Click on the banner to modify accept and decline button styles.




Callback Function

When a site user selects the ‘Opt-Out All / Reject All’ button for Opt-Out Regulation in a banner, the consentReject event is triggered. This hides the notice for the current session and drops the evidon consent cookie with all non-essential categories and vendors marked as declined.

If you would like a different experience for your site visitors, we recommend adding code to the consentRejectCallback function. Here is the exact function if it is not included in your tag:

                window.evidon.consentRejectCallback = function () {

                // This is executed if the user explicitly revokes consent by

                // using the Opt-Out All / Reject button for Opt-Out Regulation only.




Ping Action

We will be dropping the Ping Action upon clicking the ‘Opt-Out All / Reject All’ button for Opt-Out Regulation. This ping action is further used for consent reporting.



Two new identifiers are introduced in this release to support translations for Opt-Out regulation buttons on the banner. Differentiating translation identifiers for Opt-In and Opt-Out regulation buttons enables users to maintain clarity and consistency across various languages and regulatory requirements.

New Identifiers for Banner Opt-Out Regulation Buttons

  • Opt-Out Consent Button
  • Opt-Out Decline Button

These new identifiers have been introduced to distinguish between Opt-In and Opt-Out translations, enhancing clarity and accuracy in multilingual implementations.

image (10).png


This release focuses on creating a symmetrical and user-friendly experience between Opt-In and Opt-Out regulations on the Universal Consent Platform. Key updates include:

  1. Introduction of the Reject/Opt-Out All Button for Opt-Out Regulations: Ensures users have clear consent choices.
  2. Style Consistency: Logical and intuitive styling of accept and decline buttons.
  3. Enhanced Translation Identifiers: Better distinction between Opt-In and Opt-Out buttons for multilingual support.

These enhancements aim to provide a more consistent and intuitive user experience, ensuring clear consent choices for all users.




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