Creating a FirstSpirit web-module: Part 3 – Understanding the module

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You got the web-application example running? Great! So let's examine the module.xml a bit closer:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "../lib/module.dtd">
    <name>FirstSpirit WebApp Example Module</name>
    <description>FirstSpirit WebApp Example Module</description>
    <vendor>e-Spirit AG</vendor>
            <name>FirstSpirit WebApp Example Module</name>
            <description>Web component of FIRSTspirit integration.</description>

Module interface

The first interesting xml tag is


Basically the "main class" of our module, it needs to implement the Module interface. Our implementation is very simple and just returns the module's name.

package de.espirit.firstspirit.opt.examples.webapp.configuration;

import de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Module;
import de.espirit.firstspirit.module.ServerEnvironment;
import de.espirit.firstspirit.module.descriptor.ModuleDescriptor;

* You don't need this class if you just want to create a simple webapp,
* but it might be useful if your module will contain multiple components.
public class WebAppModule implements Module {
     *  Initializes this component with the given descriptor and environment.
    public void init(final ModuleDescriptor descriptor, final ServerEnvironment env) {

     * Use this method to install templates or create other elements
    public void installed() {

     * Use this method to uninstall templates and to perform a cleanup
    public void uninstalling() {

     * Use this method to update templates or alter configuration settings during an update
    public void updated(final String oldVersionString) {

    public String toString() {
        return "FirstSpirit WebApp Example Module";

Hint: You can use the installed(), uninstalling(), updated() methods to perform actions (like installing templates into a project).

WebApp component

Since our module does only contain a web-application, we just need to define one component. As you might have guessed, the component is a "web-app". A web-app needs a "main-class" as well, which is referenced by:


The class looks like this:

package de.espirit.firstspirit.opt.examples.webapp.configuration;

import de.espirit.firstspirit.module.AbstractWebApp;

* We need to implement the web application interface for your webapp component.
* More advanced webapplication will use the methods to install/update/delete additional
* elements.
public class WebApp extends AbstractWebApp {

     * This method will be called if the component has been installed successfully.
     * Use it to install additional elements
    public void installed() {

     * Called when component was uninstalled.
     * Use this method to cleanup any files that might have been created by your component.
    public void uninstalling() {

     * Called when component has been updated successfully
    public void updated(String oldVersionString) {

    public void createWar() {

Again, nothing fancy.

WebApp Configuration

The <configurable> tag is more interesting. The referenced class implements the swing based configuration dialog. You can omnit this tag (and class) if you don't want to offer a custom configuration dialog. So what does this class do?

  • the hasGui() method returns true – indicating that we do want to show a GUI.
  • it creates a swing gui
  • it read/writes the file that get's deployed

Location of web.xml

FirstSpirit needs to know the location of your web.xml, basically for two reasons:

  1. As you've seen, the administrator can edit the web.xml in the admin console
  2. FirstSpirit will merge all web.xml from all installed web-applications while creating the consolidated war file.

Our ant task copies the web.xml into the root directory of the fsm, so we just define


Resources and web-resources

It might be a bit confusing at first sight, but you need to define two different kind of resources for a WebApp component.


Resources are all classes/jars that you need on the FirstSpirit server. That's the entire de.espirit.firstspirit.opt.examples.webapp.configuration package in our example. Luckily, the lib/webapp-example-@VERSION@.jar does contain just that package.


Define all classes/jars/files, that should be included in the consolidated war file, as a web-resource.

  • Our taglib file HelloWorld.tld
  • the configuration file
  • the lib/webapp-example-@VERSION@-webapp.jar, contain the servlet and taglib class

Don't list the web.xml here, that's already covered by the dedicated <web-xml> tag.


This tutorial covered all necessary steps to develop a FirstSpirit WebApp module. It's a good idea to do so, because it makes managing and deploying web-application so much easier. Simple WebApps are created in a couple of minutes, configurable WebApps will take just a bit longer. Feel free to use our example as a starting point for your own WebApp.

Version history
Last update:
‎09-16-2010 01:00 AM
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