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error message after sending files to production

We have noticed that all our websites on FS have error message that keep on appearing when pages were sent to production.

The error message is attached directly from the pop up error window.

The issue seems to lie with "Template 'Home Page (1a Home)' (id=87218)".

Any ideas as to what this actually means?

Thanks Michael.

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3 Replies
Occasional Collector


Page 4 of your pdf:

ERROR 05.07.2011 10:49:35.192 {seID=89011} (de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.SiteProduction): ref

target not found 'pageref:rome_roma_2009'

You make a reference to "rome_roma_2009" (it's the reference name) which doesn't exist. Maybe you wrote this name wrong or the site has been deleted.

The same for page 8 (aquabeat_mp3_player) and page 13 (format template paragraphwithoutptag).

Please check these errors!



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Hello Michael,

the 3rd error is:

ERROR 05.07.2011 10:49:35.949 {seID=89011} (de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.SiteProduction): format

template for tag 'paragraphwithoutptag' not found

Somebody deleted the format template "paragraphwithoutptag", but it is still used within a DOM[TABLE] editor on the page referred by the pagereference 'speedohome' (id=130567).

This one can be a little tricky to solve. If you are lucky, you can just delete the appropriate part of the text.

But I fear, that this part of the text will be invisible. Do find it, you have to start the FirstSpirit client with the visible java console [define, that it should be visible within the properties of java webstart], then put the cursor in the text of the CMS_INPUT_DOM[TABLE] and press CTRL-SHIFT-F2. This will copy the XML content of the component on the java console. There you can find the <paragraphwithoutptag> tag. Just delete the last visible character before and after this tag, and the problem will no longer occur.

Furthermore you have two kinds of warnings:

WARN 05.07.2011 10:49:35.193 {seID=89011} (de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.SiteProduction):

Replacing null value with empty default!

--> a variable is empty [null], but it is used within a $CMS_...(...)$ tag.

To solve this problem, you have to check, if the variable isn't empty before using it.

Instead of:

you should use either

$CMS_VALUE(TagTitle, default="")$



WARN 05.07.2011 10:49:36.549 {seID=89011} (de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.SiteProduction):

Undefined method 'de.espirit.firstspirit.parser.eval.NullEnhancer$Null#getId()'!

This is the same as the other warning, but this time a method (getId()) is used on the undefined variable. You have to check the variable, if it is empty, too.

Best regards,


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Hi Holger,

Thanks for the response.

Unfortunately, I do not have access to the main super admin and I am unsure where to locate or find the variable as we are just support for our markets.

I'll send this across to our Technical Team to see if they can resolve this.


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