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X-Header for Excelfiles

Hello everyone,

we don't want specific Excelfiles, that are linked on our website, to be shown in searchengines.

Does anyone know a way to set a X-Header in an Excelfile so this isn't the case anymore? 

Thank you in advance!


Nikolai Lasarzick

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2 Replies
Crownpeak employee

Google supports the X-Robots-Tag header. I am not sure if other search engines honor this as well.

Another solution would be adding the files to the robots.txt file.

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Occasional Observer

Hi Nikolai,

If you are using the X-Robots tag header, something like this might help:

To use the X-Robots tag on an Apache server, add the following code to your website's .htaccess or httpd.config file.

<Files ~ ".xlsx$">
  Header set X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow"

Kind regards,

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