Returning Observer

Using input component of other template as "source" while defining Rules.

Hi there!

I have a requirement of using a value defined in "form A" part of Template A to be used to compare with the value defined in "form B" of Template B's rule part.

A entry value of a checkbox in metadata template has to be used in rule part of a section template... is there a possibility to do that?

Eg: This is the rule part of a section template and I need to use the entry value of a checkbox defined in the metadata template:




<PROPERTY name="ENTRY" source="#meta.ldentifier"/>






<PROPERTY name="VALID" source="st_text"/>

<MESSAGE lang="*" text="The editing language does not match the module master language"/>

<MESSAGE lang="DE" text="The editing language does not match the module master language"/>




The rule set gets saved but I never get the message as defined above.

I have seen #global being used as source but is there a possibility to use another page's input DOM elements o be used as source?

Many Thanks!

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