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Release under a specified FirstSpirit user

Dear FirstSpirit community,

is there a way to release a FirstSpirit resource under a specified user?

Up to now, there are only the following API calls available, that will release a page under the currently connected FirstSpirit user:

Maybe, there is an undocumented possibility to execute a:

release(User user)?

Might in that case really helpful, to get rid of corrupt release data very fast.

An answer is highly appreciated.

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7 Replies
I'm new here


I think this is not possible. Feel free to add a feature request if you are interested in such a feature.

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Hi Thorsten,

you think it's not possible. But we need a sustainable and relyable answer. Could you clarify that in combination with FirstSpirit's core developement team?

Maybe there is an undocumented API available that might help here.

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Community Manager

Hi Holger,

you can use a script/module that creates a new connection, using a different user to perform the release. There's no way to perform actions in the name of an user without a proper authentication.


Hi Christoph,

in order to do that via the non-workflow-based release call, the user needs at least project admin release permission rights. Correct?

This leads to the following steps:

[SuperAdmin connection]

- adding the user in the "Administrators" FirstSpirit group

- setting the permission right for "CAN_RELEASE" on the corresponding node

- release the changes

[plain user connection]

- re-connecting using the specified user

- releasing the store element

[SuperAdmin connection]

- undo the above changes

- release again -> using the SuperAdmin user Smiley Sad

Consequence: what is won?

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Community Manager

Hi Holger,

what do you mean with "non-workflow-based release call"?


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I'm talking about the release-API calls:


IDProvider.release(boolean releaseChilds);

My assumption is, that these release calls are the ones, that are provoked via "Extras" -> "Release" in JavaClient - so non-workflow-based.

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Community Manager

The GUI provided there offers similar functionality as provided within

There are a couple of release methods there.

To release objects, the user needs the CAN_RELEASE permissions. He doesn't need to be project admin if that was your question. I'm still unsure what you're trying to do.

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