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Query Builder


I have created a database layer based on an external database, which works fine so far and I also have created a table showing the results on a web-page. Now I want to have a kind of "query builder", which allows to query over the entire dataset based on keywords. Is there a easy to use/implement module to do so or do I need to write my own JSF/JSP page?

Thanks a lot!



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6 Replies
Community Manager

Do you want to build queries within the JavaClient to generate  web-pages with that data or do you want to implement a search function  on the website?

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I want to have a set of form-elements over my table to set search values and apply those via button-press on the table. So if I can setup such query-form-elements via JavaClient it would be perfect!


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Again, should the website visitor be able use the query builder or should the CMS editor be able to define a query that is used to generate a static web page, containing a list of matching entries?

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the user should be able to use the query builder

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You can use the FirstSpirit Integration to perform database queries, you'll have to build the UI on your own, though.

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thanks a lot! Will check this out

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