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Including another FSM-Artifact as a Dependency for my FSM-Module (Gradle-Plugin).


I have the following question regarding building firstspirit-modules. 

I have a Java project with the Gradle buildtool which produces a fsm-file with the Firstspirit Gradle Plugin GitHub - e-Spirit/firstspirit-module-gradle-plugin

I am using the version 6.0.0 of the plugin.

This project has multiple dependencies, one of which is another fsm i want to include in my module. This other FSM-Artifact is not part of a multi-module project but instead is stored on a remote repository system which I can access. I want to include the contents of the module-isolated.xml of the dependency in my module. I know that it works for multi-module projects where i can include the Project with FsModuleCompile and the gradle module Reference. My Question is how can i achieve that with remote FSM-dependencies. I came across the 


variable inside the firstSpiritModule-Block in where module-names could be specified but i am not sure how it works (I tried to add the firstspirit modulename to the list but it had no effect for me).

I would be happy if you could help me or provide me with an idea to accomplish my goal.


Best Regrads


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2 Replies
Crownpeak employee

Hello David,

you could try something like

dependencies {
fsModuleCompile(group = "...", name = "...", version = "...", ext = "fsm")

but I am not sure if this is what you really want to do. Could you explain why you would like to package an FSM into another FSM?

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Hi thank you for your answer!

I already tried that but the only effect i noticed was that the FSM gets included inside the lib folder inside the fsm.

I would like to include another fsm in my module because i want to use the definied components of the imported fsm and i want to include the libraries from the imported fsm additionally to my own module.

That way i want to composite a fsm-file which contains the files from the imported dependency PLUS the additional components defined inside my own module.

Since i can accomplish that behavior inside a multi-module project with the right dependency scopes i hoped i could do the same with project-external dependencies.

I hope my answer clarifies my intent!

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