Occasional Collector

How to use the Regular Expression in Section Template HTML Channel?

Hello Team,

How can i use the regex to check for the specific patter string matches or not? Base on the value true i have to do some operation in the content of the page.






How to change the above code in Section template and usage of

if (matcher.matches()) { .....}

My HTML content, matches 2 in online regx websites,

Guest_Access ID is configured on the existing Bosch WLAN infrastructure in all eligible.
Guest_Access ID is configured on the existing Bosch WLAN infrastructure in all eligible locations.
" This method is known as “reinforcement learning.” In this approach, the AI learns for itself which action is best in which situation. "












The above code return false in HTMl channel.

Thank you,


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2 Replies
Occasional Collector

Hello Team,

Any one has any idea ? How to implement in First Spirit?




HTML Channel:



Thanks n Regards,


0 Kudos
Occasional Collector

Below code is also not working,

???? YES

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