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How to get RadiobuttonEditorValue?

Hello everyone. I am writing some Java module for content transfering and one of the fields that I need to fill has CMS_INPUT_RADIOBUTTON type. As I learned from documentation, in order to work with that field I need to get an instance of RadiobuttonEditorValue (correct me if I'm wrong here). It's pretty clear how to work with it, but totally unclear, where to get it from. I have this code:

IdProvidingFormData targetPictureFormData = contentProducer.create(targetPictureTemplate);

FormField formatField = targetPictureFormData.get(null, "st_format"); // this is Radiobutton field

What would be the next step? If I understand everything correctly, I need to get a list of available options and then choose one and set it as the field value, but without RadiobuttonEditorValue I see no way to do this.

Don't hesitate to ask questions if you need some more information and thank you for your time.

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