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Hello Team,
How to do debug for content creator operations???
FS version : 5.2.426
MY fsclient.debug.bat file,
java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9001 -Xmx512m -Xms64m -Dmode=HTTP -Dhost=xxxxxxxxxx -Dport=443 -DservletZone=/ -jar fs-client.jar
Thank you.
I have tried with Host name = xxxxxxx and port = 50005 also for CC debug.Nothing happens in my Eclipse console.?
Hello Siva,
I am not completely sure if I understand you right. Do you like to debug the ContentCreator (for example to debug a WebeditInlineEditItemsPlugin) or do you like to debug the SiteArchitect?
Your configuration points a little bit in the direction of the SiteArchitect, but your text points to the ContentCreator, that is the reason why I'm confused.
Kind regards
Hello Siva,
I am not completely sure if I understand you right. Do you like to debug the ContentCreator (for example to debug a WebeditInlineEditItemsPlugin) or do you like to debug the SiteArchitect?
Your configuration points a little bit in the direction of the SiteArchitect, but your text points to the ContentCreator, that is the reason why I'm confused.
Kind regards
Hello Siva,
do you need further help or could you already solve this by yourself? If so, it would be very kind of you, if you posted you solution here. Otherwise please answer Benjamin's question.
Best regards,