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FirstSpirit ACCESS API retrieves wrong information for project <-> user memberships

Dear FirstSpirit community,

when using the FirstSpirit ACCESS-API to detect the membership of FirstSpirit users in FirstSpirit projects via:


the method returns "true" although:

  • a FirstSpirit user does not reside in the FirstSpirit project itsself
  • FirstSpirit server has been restarted completely

Do you know why? Is there a bug existing?

The user itsself is still physically available in FirstSpirit but it has been removed completely from a dedicated FirstSpirit project.

Kind regards,

Holger King

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4 Replies
Crownpeak employee

I assume the project is not "open for everyone". Is the user member of an "external group" of the mentioned project?

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Hi Peter,

the user is a local user - not marked as "external".

What do you mean by "open for everyone"?

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What do you mean by "open for everyone"?

The option labled "Allow all users" in project configurations.

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Dear Peter,

you are right, the option "Allow all users" is enabled. See screenshot enclosed. That's why even FirstSpirit users not belonging to a project marked as "accessible for all users" are members of this project. So, the ACCESS-API returns "true" for "project.isMember(user)" here.


Is there a possibility to add this information to the FirstSpirit JavaDoc? Currently, there is no JavaDoc available at all - especially for this method.

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