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I need a file name of a referenced page.
So for example if i select something like this:
I want the "Home Page" as output, not the reference name("home_page_1").
Is that possible?
<FS_REFERENCE name="lt_reference" hFill="yes" useLanguages="no">
<ALLOW type="pageref"/>
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Target"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Ziel"/>
<LOCAL name=".">
<FOLDER name="root" store="sitestore"/>
<FOLDER name="root" store="mediastore"/>
I tried with:
But i only get "home_page_1" as an output.
Best regards,
Dragan Rakita
Hi Dragan,
okay, "Home Page" is the display name. Try
That should output the display name of the PageRef for the currently generated language. If the display name for this language is "Home Page" you should see it. If the PageRef does not have a display name for the generated language, getDisplayName will use the master language. If the display name for the master language is also not set, getDisplayName will return the reference name.
Hope this helps
Hello Tim,
I tried:
$CMS_VALUE(lt_reference.get.getFilename())$ - it returnes reference name,
$CMS_VALUE(lt_reference.getFilename())$ - it doesn't return anything.
Best regards,
I think "Home Page" should be the display name of the selected element. Is it set for each language? If it is not set for the master language, you could try using getDisplayname, but pass a language as a parameter. E. g. #global.language.
If that doesn't work, please post some screenshots of the element's display, reference and filename. Then it's easier to reproduce your problem.
Best regards,
Hi Tim,
Sorry, you're right.
So, here are Page name, File name, and reference name. I know how to reach Reference name and File name, but how to get output "Home Page"?
I would use the File name, but probably i'll need it for page urls, or if i don't it's not allowed to enter spaces.
Best regards,
Hi Dragan,
okay, "Home Page" is the display name. Try
That should output the display name of the PageRef for the currently generated language. If the display name for this language is "Home Page" you should see it. If the PageRef does not have a display name for the generated language, getDisplayName will use the master language. If the display name for the master language is also not set, getDisplayName will return the reference name.
Hope this helps
Hi Tim,
Yeah, you're so right.
Althought i used it on master language it didn't work.
#global.language was the catch.
$CMS_VALUE(lt_reference.get.getDisplayName())$ returned "home_page_1",
$CMS_VALUE(lt_reference.get.getDisplayName(#global.language))$ returned "Home Page"
So in order to be helpful for others here are the tips:
Reference name: $CMS_VALUE(lt_reference.getUid())$
Display name: $CMS_VALUE(lt_reference.get.getFilename())$
Page name: $CMS_VALUE(lt_reference.get.getDisplayName(#global.language))$
Thank you very much.
Best regards,