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In format template, can we fetch data from data source?
Hallo Jayakumar,
I'm sorry, but I can't find an out-of-the-box solution for this requirement.
The following should work:
Write a VALUE service that is used in the rules to transfer the corresponding content from the selected dataset into a text field of the link.
Define the text field into which the content is copied as link text on the properties tab of the link template. (The content of a corresponding text field is the one that is displayed in the DOM).
The problem that, in my estimation, cannot be solved at the moment without a VALUE service is to take the text field from the record. It is possible, for example, if a CMS_INPUT_COMBOBOX is used to select the data set, to use its ID per rule without any problems:
<PROPERTY name="ENTRY" source="COMBOBOX"/>
But then the ID would be shown within the CMS_INPUT_DOM, which doesn't help editors.
You can make two different feature requests if you want an out-of-the-box solution (but this will take some time):
Either the already existing VALUE service should be extended accordingly, so that it can take over data from a data set by means of another input component (at the moment this is only possible via the GID, but you can't get it by rule from an input component with a data set).
Or it should be possible to select a corresponding input component (e.g. CMS_INPUT_COMBOBOX or FS_DATASET) as text field for the link.
Best regards
Dear Jayakumar
you can define a CMS_HEADER within a format template and within this CMS_HEADER you can define a contentSelect function to fetch entities. (Just write the tags at the beginning of the source code of the formattemplate:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="fr_myfunction">
I hope you can solve your problem with this information.
Hint: The result of the contentSelect function is only valid within the format template. So you should create the output within the format template itself.
Best regards
Is there any possible options to enable editors to select the requires dataset to be included in the DOM? The dataset contains a simple text.
Is it possible to bring the functionality of FS_INDEX in DOM?
@Jayakumar wrote:Is there any possible options to enable editors to select the requires dataset to be included in the DOM? The dataset contains a simple text.
Is it possible to bring the functionality of FS_INDEX in DOM?
If you use a link instead of a format template, you can use almost all input components (they must be language independent [useLanguages="no"]).
You cannot use the CMS_HEADER tag within the output channel of a link template, but if you need a contentSelect function there, you can use a format template via $CMS_RENDER (template:<uid>)$ and define the contentSelect function there.
Another solution (for more technical editors) could be to define a format template, in which the marked text is used as value of a CMS_VALUE_PARAM of the contentSelect function. Should work like this:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="...">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="..." />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="myParam" value="#content" />
<QUERY entityType="...">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="myParam" datatype="java.lang.String" value="%"/>
<LIKE attribute="..." parameter="myParam"/>
But this is a very technical solution and won't work with normal editors!
Please verify the step by step screen shot added for your reference.
Screen 1:
Screen 2:
I am selecting link template,
Screen 3:
Populating database values,
Screen 4;
After Text Snippet #192 is selected ,
The value inside #192,
Ex: “Text of snippet should show up in actual text”
Should populate in the Content
i want to bring the selected values in the content.
please do the needful.
Hallo Jayakumar,
I'm sorry, but I can't find an out-of-the-box solution for this requirement.
The following should work:
Write a VALUE service that is used in the rules to transfer the corresponding content from the selected dataset into a text field of the link.
Define the text field into which the content is copied as link text on the properties tab of the link template. (The content of a corresponding text field is the one that is displayed in the DOM).
The problem that, in my estimation, cannot be solved at the moment without a VALUE service is to take the text field from the record. It is possible, for example, if a CMS_INPUT_COMBOBOX is used to select the data set, to use its ID per rule without any problems:
<PROPERTY name="ENTRY" source="COMBOBOX"/>
But then the ID would be shown within the CMS_INPUT_DOM, which doesn't help editors.
You can make two different feature requests if you want an out-of-the-box solution (but this will take some time):
Either the already existing VALUE service should be extended accordingly, so that it can take over data from a data set by means of another input component (at the moment this is only possible via the GID, but you can't get it by rule from an input component with a data set).
Or it should be possible to select a corresponding input component (e.g. CMS_INPUT_COMBOBOX or FS_DATASET) as text field for the link.
Best regards