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FS_LIST data is not coming

Dear Helpdesk team,

We have migrated to 5.1.413 version recently.
We have CMS_INPUT_CONTENTLIST previously maintains some roles information now after migration its converted to FS_LIST.
But when we are releasing record ,the data attached is not coming.
This is urget to fix the issue and customers are reporting about the issue.
Please help us to fix the issue as soon as possible.

FS 4.2 CODE:

            <LANGINFO lang="*" label="Added by MigrationKit"/>
        <CMS_INPUT_CONTENTLIST name="cs_rollen" hFill="yes" maxEntries="30" table="ThIS.portalrollen" useLanguages="no">
            <LANGINFO lang="*" label="Portalberechtigungen"/>

FS 5.1.413 code :

      <FS_LIST name="cs_rollen" hFill="yes" height="150">
        <DATASOURCE type="database" maxEntries="30" useLanguages="no">
            <ACTION name="ADD"/>
            <ACTION name="REMOVE">
              <PARAM name="show-confirm">no</PARAM>
            <ACTION name="UP"/>
            <ACTION name="DOWN"/>
            <ACTION name="GOTO"/>
            <ACTION name="VIEW"/>
            <COLUMN show="no">#identifier</COLUMN>
            <ADD component="toolbar" constraint="top"/>
            <ADD component="overview" constraint="center"/>
            <ADD component="stackedview" constraint="hide"/>
          <LANGINFO lang="*" label="Portalberechtigungen"/>

We are using the below code to get the details from the FS_LIST.

UserService us = context.getUserService();

ContentStoreRoot cs = (ContentStoreRoot)us.getStore(Store.Type.CONTENTSTORE, false);

Content2 shdContent2 = (Content2) cs.getStoreElement(Constants.SCHATTENTABELLE_INFOART, IDProvider.UidType.CONTENTSTORE);

Dataset shdDataset = shdContent2.getDataset(shdInfoartEntity);

FormData data = shdDataset.getFormData();

formDataList = (FormDataList)  data.get(masterLanguage, Constants.EDITOR_ROLLEN).get();


            fsIdList = new ArrayList<Long>();

            for (Iterator<IdProvidingFormData> iterator = formDataList.iterator(); iterator

                    .hasNext();) {

                IdProvidingFormData idProvidingFormData = (IdProvidingFormData) iterator


                Long fsId = (Long) idProvidingFormData.get(masterLanguage, Constants.ENTITYID.toLowerCase()).get();




            List<Entity> rollenList = new ArrayList<Entity>();

            if (!CollectionUtil.isEmpty(fsIdList)){

                rollenList =  getEntityList(fsIdList, Constants.PORTAL_ROLES_DATASOURCE_NAME, Constants.TABLE_ROLLEN);


Please help us to fix the issue.



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