Hello everyone,
I am currently tackling a problem concerning the new OCM 3.0. In the past, one could use the following html structure to let FirstSpirit add a button to manually crop the image (as described here😞
<div data-preview-id="BASE64-ENCODED-PREVIEW-ID">
<img data-tpp-context-image-resolutions="original" src="URL-OF-IMAGE" alt="ALT-TEXT">
With the new OCM 3.0, this approach does not work. Instead, one has to use a gid with a locale for it (example from official documentation😞
<div data-preview-id="8326527a-60ff-49a0-bc66-91671d660249.de_DE">...</div>
However, this approach does not work for me. All other functionalities like inline edit do work, so it does not seem like a general problem with using the new OCM.
I have tried several different GIDs (also one like {sectionPreviewId}/{editorName}), but with no different result.
Does somebody know what I could try? Is that a bug?
Best regards,