Dear All
I am trying to construct an internal PDF link inside of PDF channel and it puts like http://localhost:8000/fs5preview/preview/82694/media/EN/current/169188/ticket=1laqemwt7cec7/antarcti... which opens up login screen but failed to show the PDF.
Here is the PDF channel code:
<fo:basic-link external-destination="url($CMS_REF(st_pdf_upload)$)" color="blue" text-decoration="underline">
$CMS_VALUE(st_pdf_header)$ (PDF, Size: $CMS_VALUE(ref(st_pdf_upload).size.humanReadable("*","0.0 {U}"))$)
What will be the correct code instead of $CMS_REF(st_pdf_upload)$ to show the correct link. *st_pdf_upload is a FS_REFERENCE for pdf upload.