This video show how this Crownpeak DQM connector enables customers to build high-quality web site even with a competitive CMS. Users of the AEM platform will have any quality issues flagged during content creation around areas such as governance, compliance, accessibility, brand, and SEO. AEM users can then resolve any issue found if they have the authority to do so through the content editing process in AEM.
Three items of note:
1) the experience of flagging issues in AEM is nearly identical to what exists today with the integration of the Crownpeak DXM and DQM platforms;
2) there exists other DQM connectors for other platforms other than AEM;
3) the Crownpeak DQM platform is standalone, so even if a connector does not exist to another CMS tool customers can still use Crownpeak DQM and its reporting dashboards.
This video features a walkthrough of how to use the DQM Plug-in for AEM 6.3.
(Note: Installation must be completed by an Admin user on your instance of AEM before you can use the plug-in. For more information on installing the plug-in, please refer to the Crownpeak Knowledge Base article)