More detailed publishing monitor

The current Publishing Monitor in the CMS doesnt provide enough detail. It is a good snapshot but doesn't communicate which assets are in the queu or approximate how long each publish activity will take. it would also be helpful to know who and what other users have published to the queu. 

This will allow me to better understand the status of the assets I've published and see what other activity is happening within my organization.

Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open
Crownpeak (Retired)
Status changed to: Delivered

Thank you so much for proposing this great Idea! We are very excited to notify you that your Idea has been implemented by introducing a new report “Session Performance” in CMS and released on May 1st, 2020. If you are interested to learn about the new report, refer the release notes link: Release Notes

  Please contact us if you have any questions about the report.

Elite Observer

The report does not have access to Asset ID or Asset Label.  This is one of the more glaring omissions on the Activity Monitor Quickview as well.