Crownpeak Employee
Crownpeak Employee

Understanding Dashboards - Introduction

In order to present information to users in the best possible way Crownpeak DQM can group web pages together in the form of dashboards.


Dashboard DropdownDashboard Dropdown



A dashboard is a logical grouping of webpages within Crownpeak DQM. Once a website is scanned, pages can be included or excluded based on the requirements of the administrator.

There are many ways a dashboard can be set up, below are some common dashboard set up options:

By Website

This setup is used by organisations who have multiple websites. This setup allows each website to be analysed and ranked separately

Please note that sub-domains are considered to be separate websites.  i.e. and would be considered separate websites and would not be combined in one dashboard by default.

By Country/Locale

This setup is used by global organisations that have multiple country websites, it is also used for websites with multiple languages. This allows each country site to be analysed and ranked separately
Example: ,

When segmenting in this manner, by default any pages for another locale i.e. folder will be excluded from that dashboard i.e. for /en-us will exclude /en-uk and vice-versa.

By Website Path

This setup is used by organisations who have a website which has large sections usually managed by separate departments. This allows each section to be analysed based on departments.

When segmenting in this manner, by default any pages for another website path i.e. folder will be excluded from that dashboard i.e. for /press-release will exclude /human-resources and vice-versa.

When considering setting up dashboards based on website paths, we would recommend splitting up sections when an area has a substantial number of pages (example 1000+ pages). Users may find it harder to keep moving into different dashboards if this has been split up into too granular sections.


  • There are restrictions on dashboard size and scope please see FAQs-What is a DQM Dashboard
  • For all three configurations, domain and sub-domain are considered separate sites and will not be combined in the same dashboard by default.
  • It is possible to have a combination of the dashboard setup options above.
  • Pages that are included in a dashboard can be identified based on a pattern in the websites URL. Example, if a dashboard needs to be set up to scan press release pages DQM can be set up to scan all pages that include "/press-release/" 
  • If there is no available URL pattern an online XML sitemap can also be used (The website administrator would be in charge of identifying and maintaining what is scanned on the sitemap)
  • It is also possible to exclude pages based on a pattern in the URL. Example, do not scan all pages that include the pattern "search.aspx"
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