Crownpeak Employee
Crownpeak Employee

FAQs - When should I inform Crownpeak of changes to my website?


A starting URL or online XML sitemap is set up when dashboards are created

If there is any change on the URL then you would need to create a support ticket and inform the support team of the new starting URL or online XML sitemap URL

Here are common examples of changes in the URL:

- Website moved to https
Example: from to

- Sitemap has been moved to a different folder
Example: from to

- Changes in the sub-domain
Example: from to

- Folder has been renamed
Example: from to

- URL shortcuts have been set up

Example: from to


There may be other cases when URLs change, please coordinate with the support team for these cases.
Changes to the starting URL or sitemap that are not updated may cause the dashboard to drop to zero or one page.

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