FirstSpirit generated links become invalid after:
- export/import
- move actions of editors within the same FirstSpirit project
- when FirstSpirit content is moved from one project to the other
The current situation:
- FirstSpirit does not offer a core functionality to guarantee consistent links for the following link-types:
- Publishing-Links (pointing to the live-system, that delivers FirstSpirit-generated content)
- Portal-Links - links pointing on start- and loose pages provided in a portal framework (like SAP Netweaver)
- KMC-Portal-Links (see above)
- Using these links in external documents (like PDFs, DOCs, PPTs, etc.) or applications (like browser bookmarks) is not practicable, because these links become invalid when:
- objects (medias and page-references) are moved within the FirstSpirit editor system (e.g.: from one part of a tree to another one)
- projects are exported and imported from one FirstSpirit- to another FirstSpirit-server
- The consequence:
- huge manuel effort to guarantee that links are updated in all external documents/applications -> costs
Technical part:
- Links might be generated in two ways, basiclly (shown here for the first mentioned link type "Portal-Links" within the FirstSpirit "fs-portal.fsm" module configuration dialog box):
- using a numeric ID value (FirstSpirit assigned sequential ID for the object)
- alphanumeric UID value (FirstSpirit assigned UID for the object)

- when using the numeric ID solution:
- FirstSpirit-IDs and their combination used in the above example link change when:
- Media/Page is moved to another part of the tree by the editor (path of FirstSpirit-IDs change due to the change path within the FirstSpirit tree)
- FirstSpirit-Project containg this media/page is ex-/imported on another FirstSpirit server (FirstSpirit automatically generates new FirstSpirit IDs for each object when importing it)
- when using the alphanumeric UID solution:
- FirstSpirit-UIDs and their combination used in the above example link change when:
- editors change the UID name of the object (this could be done since FirstSpirit 4.2)
- editors move objects (media/pagerefs) from one part of the tree to another one (due to the move of the object, the UID-path within the link will change, too)
- UIDs are not unique project-global, just within a project and only within a store-type (e.g. the site store). It might be possible, that the same UIDs are used within the page- and sitestore as well
- Possible inconsistencies:
- when an object is deleted, its UID name is given back to the FirstSpirt UID-pool, that the system uses to automatically assign UID names to new objects
- when creating a new object, this object might be assigned the UID that formerly belonged the deleted object (so the bookmarked link potentially points to a resource that is totally different to the one that has been deleted)
- renaming of FirstSpirit projects is impossible - due to the FirstSpirit project name prefix being used to unify the reference names used on the server
- Solution suggestion:
- integration of a new BerkeleyDB attribute for each object that guarantees the following mandatory criterias:
- immutable against editor changes like moving of objects in other tree-parts
- project-locally and globally unique
- export-/import stable
- invisible for editors (to prevent changes) -> system attribute character
- removing the path notation to build the links
- providing a configurable option to use this attribute to build the links