KEEP FirstSpirit WebEdit CONTEXT in case of switching the FirstSpirit project

Dear FirstSpirit community,

the current FirstSpirit WebEdit implementation does not allow editing FirstSpirit content in FirstSpirit sister projects. The reason: the complete WebEdit context and its functionality (like WebEdit bar, WebEdit quick bar, EasyEdit functionality) is lost, when editors switch the project, e.g. by clicking a sister project link in a page shown in FirstSpirit WebEdit. The problem: sister project links are handled as normal external links.

The following screenshot shows the behaviour before and after the selection of the FirstSpirit sister project in WebEdit:





The feature request:

  • in case where the editor is existing in the FirstSpirit sitster project, the WebEdit context should stay available to allow the editor changing content there directly
  • otherwise a helpful exception message should appear informing the editor that, he has not the rights to change things there
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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Holger

thank you for your idea to improve FirstSpirit. It is important for us to learn from the experiences of our customers and partners. For this reason we appreciate feedback and any suggestion.

Normally, the groups of two projects are seperated on purpose. However, with a project specific deep link it is possible to switch the context to another project. Due to this we cannot consider your feature request at this time.

Best regards
