Delta-Generation: Inconsistent regeneration of content projection sites

Hello community,

currently a modification of a data set does not always have an impact to the generation of all depending content projection sites. E.g. in the mithras project, a modification of a headline text in a specific data set of the Products data source only results in a re-generation of the depending detail page and the special sub-pages, but the overview page, which in this case also depends on the modified data set, isn't re-generated. Hence, there are inconsistences between the "overview headline" and the "details page headline". In this case, these inconsistences may be tolerated, but not in other cases.

The reproduce this, one has to find a data set which is used by both, the Products (Detail) and the Products (Overview) page.

Ticket ID: #13214

Best regards,


1 Comment
Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee

Internal ID: #144226

This will be part of the upcoming release 5.1R3