Content Creator Translation Help integration and section menu


my company has just enabled the translation help in the content creator. At the first glance it looks nice but it has some serious drawbacks compared to the translation help in the site architect.

First of all we have to decide programatically which language we want to use as a source and as the target language. Since there is ususally no way of knowing what the target language is we had to add a dialog where the editor can chose the target language from all available languages. In the site architect there where tabs for each language, which is much more convenient.

But a very big disadvantage is that the CC translation help has no way of navigating through the different sections. In the site architect the translation help displays a whole page and has a menu on the side to navigate through the different sections. This is completely missing in the CC translation help. So if an editor wants to translate a page they have to reopen the translation help for every section.

Since the Content Creator is currently the main focus of the e-Spirit development team I think the CC translation help shoud be at least as good as "the old" Site Architect translation help, preferably better. Therefore I hope you will add the missing features. This will help us to convince our editors to really use the Content Creator.

Best regards,
