Changing visibility of navigation nodes in FirstSpirit ContentCreator

Dear FirstSpirit community,

according to feature request Setting start page in FirstSpirit ContentCreator there is a gab to change the visibility of navigation nodes in FirstSpirit ContentCreator, too.

Starting with the introduction of the refactored new web-based editing client, the formerly well-known and intensively used feature in FirstSpirit WebEdit (name of the web-based editing solution until FS 4.2 R4) is completely missing in FirstSpirit ContentCreator.

The only solution to get rid of that feature lack currently:

- switching to FirstSpirit SiteArchitect for editors (formerly known as JavaClient)

- implementing a custom solution based on a FirstSpirit BeanShell script/module combination

In an environment where ordinary editors do not have experience in using FirstSpirit SiteArchitect (not trained) and so do not have access to this client type technically, they have to get in touch with editors that are familiar in using the FirstSpirit rich-client solution. A drawback that could be completely prevented when offering central base functions in FirstSpirit ContentCreator directly.

Finally, each customer has to provide its own soluation approach to prevent their editors from heavily using two clients in parallel and switching between them. A strategy that is not accepted as it leads to inefficient editing work and a media discontinuity - even when just trying to use base features.

1 Comment
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hallo Holger,

vielen Dank für deine Idee zur Verbesserung von FirstSpirit. Es ist uns wichtig, aus den Erfahrungen unserer Kunden und Partner zu lernen. Aus diesem Grund schätzen wir Feedback und freuen uns über jede Anregung.

Wir haben das Thema noch einmal evaluiert, haben aber keine Pläne, es in absehbarer Zukunft zu bearbeiten. Daher können wir deinen Feature Request zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt leider nicht berücksichtigen.

Detaillierte Informationen bezüglich des Auswahlprozesses der Requests, die wir umsetzen, haben wir in unserer Features Policy zusammengefasst.

Viele Grüße
