Crownpeak Employee
Crownpeak Employee

CDC Desktop Connection

CDC Desktop Connection
The standalone version of CrownPeak Desktop Connection (CDC) includes support for our C# API. Legacy support for users of Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Web Developer Express 2010, with access to API documentation through IntelliSense.


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The Standalone Desktop Connection includes IntelliSense integration with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Web Developer Express 2010. And it is still compatible with any text editor you choose.

  • Allows developer to use the editor of their choice including Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010/2013, Dreamweaver, and Notepad++
  • Allows direct access to the CMS platform for tracing code, setting breakpoints, and watching variables directly in Visual Studio
  • Includes Bulk File/Large File upload capabilities
  • Allows editing of templates outside the CMS using other editing tools
  • Allows quick access to multiple CMS instances



Choose a version to download StandAlone -- Includes Visual Studio 2010 support for IntelliSense Eclipse Plugin -- Provides template access for developers using Mac OS For Visual Studio -- Supports creating and editing templates using C# and Classic API

Windows Installer 3.1 and .NET Framework 3.5 are required prequisites
If these components are already installed, you can launch the application.

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